Support Funds

Help Others Discover Wholeness

Alabaster Fund

The Alabaster Fund enables us to provide free printed, published, and digital resources specific to a woman’s life (infertility, divorce, fostering, etc.).

Broken Hearts

The Broken Hearts Fund provides free services to uninsured and/or financially-unable young adults (21+).

DayStar Pastors Fund

Established through the generosity of Marcus and Joni Lamb, the DayStar Pastors Fund provide free services to uninsured and/or financially-unable pastors and/or their spouses.

Fostering Hope

The Fostering Hope Fund provides counseling for uninsured and/or financially-unable foster parents and their families.

Healing Heroes Fund

The Healing Heroes Fund provides free services to uninsured and/or financially-unable veterans.

Lichi Legacy

Established through the generosity of Dr. Don Lichi, and in honor of his work at Emerge Counseling, the Lichi Legacy Fund provides need-based financial support for pastors, missionaries, veterans, and others.

Little Hearts

The Little Hearts Fund provides need-based financial coverage, therapy, and group supplies for children ages 0–16.


The RAHAB Fund provides free counseling to women who have been sex trafficked and domestically abused. It also supports training for counselors within this specific need.

Shepherd Fund

Established in loving memory of Ella Lutsi, a former Emerge clinician, the Shepherd Fund provides counseling to anyone uninsured and/or financially-unable.

Due to a local winter storm warning, Emerge Counseling Ministries will be closed Friday, January 19th and will reopen pending improved weather conditions. We are offering telehealth appointments only pending the clinician’s availability to do so.